I am so E X C I T E D for my L U X U R I O U S beach vacation this year with DreamHouseLive.com crew! I won this trip with contributions from my most loyal fans and subs and I am leaving this Wednesday.
you know who you are, G O O D B O Y S !!
Look forward to my updates on twitter and perhaps Instagram too.
Everything is paid for, the hotel is famous for hosting celebrities and I cannot wait to be pampered and relaxed! Looking forward to meeting some of my friends, party till I cannot dance any more and try some local food and shops.
Feet in the warm sand, colorful drink in my hand and sound of the ocean waves.
All while you stay at home and work I hope! Because when I am back.. I want to see you!
Last year I went to Dominican Republic and the year before we were partying in Cancun Mexico!
Click links to see related posts.
Mistress Lilyan