This is second year I am in charge of scotte and its income. Scotte = IT . Not a man. IT is a vulnerable little loser. Born a loser. It's own family is ashamed of him. I offer scotte much needed understanding and support, because I accept IT is a loser and failure. scotte is not a man, and I kill any attempt, any thought of his to consider itself a real man.
While abusing scotte mentally ,brainwashing IT on a regular basis, I abuse ITS wallet whenever possible as well. scotte begs for it , like an addict, like a programmed robot needing his buttons pushed to exist.And I gladly do, with a smile on my face.
I abuse scotte's finances as much as I can, little findom victim.
This little slave is addicted to me, and as you can read above , does whatever IT can to please me. Shopping , worshiping me.. and participating in forced intoxication sessions regularly. Financial Domination runs in my veins, and scotte is exposed to it every single time we speak. There is a plan . Financial ruin and lifetime dependency. Or a mental institution. Simple choice.
Forced intoxication sessions are working great for IT. Allowing me to enter its brain and damage it further, preparing for the future of obedience to me...
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