Only few days left for my subs to please me with gifts for Valentines , so if you need a reminder consider it your final one.. Think what info I have on you, now think of what humiliating things I know about you.. Photos? Perhaps videos? Maybe your voice recorded? Dirty little secrets you wish me to keep safe?
The safe is only staying s a f e when you keep thr owner happy!
The fee is minimal , but, it occures 3 times a year; Valenties, My Birthday in July and Christmas.
So, read again, then get shopping my wishlist ( CLICK FOR MY AMAZON LIST ) , or send me a giftrocket to [email protected] cards are also welcome. PP too ( if you used it before with me and know the address) .
Confirm your safe fee , by emailing me copy of your order.
Order of $100 - not including shipping or more qualifies as basic.
Anything more than that will definitelly make me happy!!
Happy Valentines!
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