Woke up and started my day with a delicious coffee and a message from mys lave who needed to be used!
It was his first teamviewer session and he was so excited I could not refuse! I was enjoying myself!
IanS: hello mistress, i am finally back from holidays
Mistress Lilyan: hello
Mistress Lilyan: I returned from my holidays as well..
IanS: oh great I hope you had a good time Mistress
Mistress Lilyan: oh yes
Mistress Lilyan: and you
IanS: I did too, amazing time.
IanS: I was in Sri Lanka
Mistress Lilyan: sounds great
IanS: yes it was ,beautiful beaches and scenery,
IanS: I was wondering Mistress if i could book a session with you where u take over my computer? is that possible at this stage... in the next day or so?
Mistress Lilyan: you mean teamviewer
IanS: yes thats it!, i have read about it on ur website and the thought scares the hell out of me yet turns me on sooo much at the same time
Mistress Lilyan: yes we can do it, I charge 100 per 30 min on teamviewer session
IanS: when will be a good time for you to do it Mistress? I am very interested
Mistress Lilyan: I am available now
IanS: oh, ok... well i havent got team viewer yet, do i download it?...
Mistress Lilyan: yes
Mistress Lilyan: teamviewer.com
IanS: ok thank you, i will go there and download
IanS: ok it is asking me to allow remote control, i think its ready, yikes I am scared, my heart is beating so fast
Mistress Lilyan: good, lets test it
Mistress Lilyan: send me your username and pass
IanS: 3xxxxxxxxx is user id
IanS: and xxxx is password
IanS: i think im about to have a heart attack lol
Mistress Lilyan: now go to this link on amazon, and send me an email gift certificate http://www.amazon.com/gp/gc/?&tag=lilyan-20&camp=212333&creative=391189&linkCode=ur1&adid=1198A6EWZJGCYCR9DSC0&&ref-refURL=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mistresslilyan.com%2Fblog%2Fwalletslaves.html
Mistress Lilyan: to [email protected]
IanS: ok yes Mistress
IanS: just checking that I am sending the right thing... it says "gift card" is that right Mistress?
Mistress Lilyan: yes
IanS: ok thank you
Mistress Lilyan: good boy
IanS: thank you
Mistress Lilyan: I dont put viruses on your computer
IanS: wow did u do that?
IanS: ok
Mistress Lilyan: other than that no limits, I do whatever I want
Mistress Lilyan: yes i did it
IanS: oh ok
Mistress Lilyan: now I blocked your mouse, you cannot type..
Mistress Lilyan: I am going to turn your screen black now for 3 minutes
after 30 minutes
Mistress Lilyan: well now I have all the info on you I need , to make you obey
IanS: wow that was scary!! what info did you get Mistress?
Mistress Lilyan: your tax info , that gives me your detail
Mistress Lilyan: 788 ....
IanS: ok yes Mistress, holy cow that was sooo amazing, my heart was racing the whole time, out of control
IanS: I am so glaD u didnt see my download folder, at least i dont think u did
Mistress Lilyan: I am glad, I enjoyed it too!
Mistress Lilyan: whats in there
IanS: just some bad videos, nothing too esciting lol
Mistress Lilyan: next time
IanS: i would love to do that again sometime when i calm down a bit... and can afford it, i am shaking from head to toe!!
IanS: you are soo amazing Mistress
IanS: thankyou
Mistress Lilyan: perfect
IanS: also i was so unprepared for it , i wasnt expecting u to be able to do it now and also the way you already had control of my computer at the start... that really shocked me, but i was a bit slow i guess
Mistress Lilyan: I love being in control when you least expect it
IanS: wow you really know the fetish well, i love the way i feel seduced by your soft but commanding nature and having u take over my computer/ life
IanS: my gf woke up and came out of the room half way through
IanS: i was shitting myself!!
IanS: i had to turn the screen off for a min
Mistress Lilyan: haha, poor unknowing gf.. if only she knew I am your priority!
IanS: yes well that would not be good for me if she knew
IanS: ok, well i could talk for ages about how incredibly scary yet such a turn on that was
IanS: if you'd let me
Mistress Lilyan: then you betetr obey and be loyal, or I will be forced to put you in place by letting her know! Now that I know where you live it will be easy to send her a letter ...
IanS: yes Mistress i understand
IanS: out of curiosity did you see my bank password details when i logged in, i have no idea now how much you saw... or even my cc details on amazon!!?
Mistress Lilyan: yes I have your cc details , not the bank pass (yet)
IanS: oh wow, I am soo genuinely afraid yet i have such a huge hard on, its crazy
Mistress Lilyan: you should be afraid, but only if you plan of being disobedient!
IanS: no i dont plan on being disobediant Mistress
Mistress Lilyan: I have no mercy on losers..
IanS: yes Mistress, i understand
Mistress Lilyan: good, I am leaving now, speak to you soon
IanS: thankyou , bye Mistress